Monday, September 27, 2010

Viral Traffic Generation Script With Giveaway Rights

Simply put, this is an AWESOME script...

It allows you to trade content for traffic. For example, you have a free report, your visitor opts-in, and you simply ask them to refer 3, 10 or even 100 other people to your site using their special link to unlock an even COOLER freebie...

This script is responsible for adding several thousand RESPONSIVE subscribers to my list on auto-pilot... It literally multiplies your traffic.

This used to be sold for $97 (for quite awhile, and it sold a lot of copies)...

This is the FIRST and probably ONLY time I'm including the rights to give the same script away to build your list!

My listbuilding went thru the roof. It was awesome...This is a FABULOUS piece of software that everyone in IM should know about.-Abundantliving
I actually made a few thousand in the dating niche too with this - Mark Blaze
Wow, this is a really cool idea! I just popped that link into my twitter and had the required views within less than a minute.

Brilliant actually. -WealthWinners
5 minutes later I reloaded your page with my code and already had 17 visitors and downloaded the script. Wow that is awesome and I can think of many ways to get traffic with you script. -TheIMDude

Info Here:

Download Here: